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用内恰的“什么愿望都可以实现券”来和她分手吧!(La Nature a plu)(2)

"But that was you who allowed me to pick up a choice, I just do what you had promised!"
The Trainer tries to tell the reason, but it is impossible for miss nature to forgive him.
It is still raining, although they could still recognize each other,but they don't wanna to see the expression .
"Well , I have said that I would give you a ticket ,by which you can make a wish to me. And I let your lovely dream come true ."

用内恰的“什么愿望都可以实现券”来和她分手吧!(La Nature a plu)

"Thanks for your kindness."
"It's glad to hear your thank, Mr.Trainer."
Nature throws away her umbrella , making herself be covered by the water poured from the sky. She closed her eyes , just hearing the sound of the narure instead of this awful trainer.
"If your wish wasn't breaking up with me, I will be more happy today, of course ,your happy Nature would certenly attend your wedding ceremony as your lovely wife."

用内恰的“什么愿望都可以实现券”来和她分手吧!(La Nature a plu)
