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1号实验体 Fate Particles命运粒子(4)

2023-12-20 来源:百合文库
FP-β命运粒子-β型Although both FP-β and FP-α are the children of the fateful particle mother, the difference is huge, not on-ly in appearance, its role is also very different. Before affecting the "corresponding event", FP-β will con-duct a discrimination of its own properties, and will cause different effects according to the discriminatio-n results. Fp-β is called "existence particle", and its discriminant categories are divided into FP-β-1 and FP-β-2.

1号实验体 Fate Particles命运粒子

FP-β -1: A form of existence identified by FP-β. Whe-n FP-β -1 is present, its "corresponding event" inhe-rits the "corresponding event" of the original FP-α, unchanged, and fuses with a random FP-α of the sa-me sequence, which then develops into a new pare-nt FP-α. The original FP-β -1 "corresponding event" will fuse with the selected FP-α "corresponding even-t", FP-β -1 will act as the basis of the new "corresp-onding event", and FP-α will act as the event proper-ty of the new "corresponding event", thus generatin-g a new matrix of fate particles with the new "corre-sponding event", and then continue to split.