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1号实验体 Fate Particles命运粒子

2023-12-20 来源:百合文库

1号实验体 Fate Particles命运粒子

Fate Particles(命运粒子)
Referred to as FP, its epitaxes are FP-α and FP-β.Th-e object is a kind of exist in the three and four dime-nsional (currently known, but if there is a higher dimensions unknown) of a particle shape object, abiotic -features, its existence in a three dimensional cannot on it or touch, is an "imaginary object", but it does ex-ist (see below practical and record), but at the curre-nt research results of the study are not privy to the details in four dimensions.

1号实验体 Fate Particles命运粒子
