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FlowerFell番外篇 Anything For You(6)(5)

2023-12-20UndertaleflowerfellFlowerFell 来源:百合文库

FlowerFell番外篇 Anything For You(6)

“slow down kiddo,” Sans picked a loose bobby pin from Verdana’s hair, “you sure you don’t wanna be a skeleton?” Sans asked as he fixed his son’s hair, pinning unruly bangs to the side, “you need a haircut bud.”
Verdana shook his head, “they don’t wanna play with me when i am.”
Ow. That hurt.
“kay, go have fun. i’ll be here,” his son ran off towards what Sans could only describe as a snowball battlefield. Hm. Papyrus would have had fun there. Maybe. Or caused unimaginable chaos

FlowerFell番外篇 Anything For You(6)
