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FlowerFell番外篇 Unexpected(5)(17)

2023-12-20UndertaleflowerfellFlowerFell繁花落尽 来源:百合文库
“Vivaldi,” Frisk read aloud, flowers dissolving into pink dust in their hands. A warm feeling in their chest as they watched the dust get caught by the wind and blown to a nearby tree. Another golden buttercup hung from it’s branches. These were only slightly different, the center a soft blue. Again the letter V started them on their quest through the nearby trees. Each holding another letter. Another seven letters.
“Verdana,” like the former, these golden flowers also turned to dust, the dust the same blue as the center. “Vivaldi and Verdana. These are names?” Frisk wasn’t sure who they were speaking to, perhaps an entity beyond their comprehension had gifted them a dream.

FlowerFell番外篇 Unexpected(5)

It was shamefully true that Frisk and Sans had not put enough thought in naming their children. They were running out of time, they had only a week left before Frisk would have to be induced. Labour seemed so close yet so far.
An uncomfortable rush of fluid woke them. First confusion, had they embarrassingly wet themselves? They had done so well not to at this point.
Then, the realization hit.
Frisk’s water had broke. The pain they had felt earlier that day were labour pains, or at least the beginnings. Gasping loudly they shook Sans awake, “We have to go now!”