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第十一章 逝者之音-激愤尾声——星舰I:神秘之声 配套小说(3)

2023-12-20 来源:百合文库
Satyrn’s arrogant smirk slowly disappeared. She glanced again at the body. Breathing deeply, she started towards it. Each step she took, the more she became uneasy. The shadowy body slowly became clearer to her as she moved closer. She could make out hooves from underneath the cloak and armour. Her heart raced as the tension in her mind began to increase her pace towards the corpse.

第十一章 逝者之音-激愤尾声——星舰I:神秘之声 配套小说

Finally, she knelt by it and a malevolent grin appeared across the king’s face. With baited breath, Satyrn removed the hood from its head, revealing the pegasus’ blue mane. Blue like her’s. She was paralyzed. Slowly her hubris was replaced by unmitigated despair. Her hooves began to shake. Still, it was dark where the corpse rested, so she dragged it towards the center of the room where the light illuminated the most. Setting the body at rest again, she turned its head to find the face of a now deceased stallion. There were marks on his forehead, partially hidden beneath his mane. Satyrn felt a burning sensation in her eyes. Her throat stung. The ringing in her ears ceased. The only sound she remembered hearing at that moment was her heart colliding rapidly against her chest, painfully. She moved the hair away from the stallion’s forehead revealing the numbers: “328”