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Thiotimoline to the stars(搬运)(8)

2023-12-20 来源:百合文库
Again he paused and appraised them. Then he went on, amid perfect silence:
"But what good is it all? Let's consider starflights and review some of the things you have learned in school.
"Stars are incredibly far apart and to travel from one to another, considering the light-speed limit on velocity, takes years; centuries; millennia. One way of doing it is to set up a huge ship with a closed ecology; a tiny, self-contained universe. A group of people will set out and the tenth generation thereafter reaches a distant star. No one man makes the journey, and even if the ship eventually returns home, many centuries may have passed.

Thiotimoline to the stars(搬运)

"To take the original crew to the stars in their own lifetime, freezing techniques may keep them in suspended animation for virtually all the trip. But freezing is a very uncertain procedure, and even if the crew survives and returns home, they will find that many centuries have passed on Earth.
"To take the original crew to the stars in their own lifetime, without freezing them, it is only necessary to accelerate to near-light velocities. Subjective time slows, and it will seem to the crew that it will have taken them only months to make the trip. But time travels at the normal rate for the rest of the universe, and when the crew returns they will find that although they, themselves, haveaged and experienced no more than two months of time, perhaps, the Earth itself will have experienced many centuries.