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Thiotimoline to the stars(搬运)(14)

2023-12-20 来源:百合文库

Thiotimoline to the stars(搬运)

"You may wonder how it is that a relatively few endochronic atomic bonds placed here and there among matter which is overwhelmingly isochronic can drag an with it. Why should one endochronic bond, racing toward water, drag with it a quadrillion atoms with isochronic, bonds? We feel this should not happen, because of our lifelong experience with inertia.
"There is, however, no inertia in the movement toward past or future. If one part of an object moves toward the past or future, the rest of the object does so as well, and at precisely the same speed. There is no mass-factor at all. That is why it is as easy for the entire universe to move backward in time as for this single ship to move forward-and at the same rate.

Thiotimoline to the stars(搬运)
