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Back to the real life, some protesters said they were protesting for someone’s right, but actually it was just an excuse for robbery. The evil people, hurt those innocent around them.
The first person that I want to talk about is Mudrock. She was the victim of whole event, and also the biggest victim of the event since she lost 4 partners during the story. However, she didn’t start the unrest, that’s the thing that the other rebellious residents can’t compare. She wanted to stop the meaningless unrest, but the angry residents didn’t agree with it. In order to stop the residents from attacking her and her friends, she had to use the originium arts which both consumed her life and terrorize those residents. She loved the members of her squad. She offered flowers in the ruins of the fire. She can see the real situations. She knew all the farces must be ended in a more foolish way. She exited the Reunion Movement, and she hated it. She hated the fake and unreasonable lies. She was a Sarkaz, she had the excuses to start a fight, to recapture the rights that the Sarkaz should have, but she didn’t. She showed the supreme principles. She wasn’t the liberator of the order, she also wasn’t the liberator of the infected. She was just a common girl. She just wanted to live peacefully.