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【生肉搬运】鸟雀Passerine 第七章(下)(3)

There were no words left to be said.
They had done this a thousand times before.
They took off, Phil to the skies and Techno and Wilbur rushing across the ruined ground.
Phil would get to the tower first, but the other two would not be far behind.
They leapt over chasm after chasm, skidding on snow and falling to their knees but still moving forwards, heading towards the church. Every jump rattled Techno’s bones and made him want to cry out, but he pushed it all down. The world was being torn apart by an all-powerful, bored little shit; Techno had no right to complain about something as inconsequential as a potentially sprained ankle.

【生肉搬运】鸟雀Passerine 第七章(下)

And then, suddenly, it wasn’t inconsequential.
It was an easy jump. He could have made it, should have made it.
But instead, he came up short. An inch shy of safety.
Technoblade fell quietly.
There was a sharp tug, and his shoulder almost popped out of its socket as his plunge was abruptly halted. He looked up, legs dangling in open air, and found Wilbur leaning over the edge with his hands around Techno’s wrist. His only lifeline.

【生肉搬运】鸟雀Passerine 第七章(下)
