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2023-12-01原创短篇连载黑暗病娇抖S男性向 来源:百合文库
"Watch your honey. Be careful. Male change their minds very quickly. Ha ha ha ha..."
Whites straightly looked at Elena's shadow, her face was gloomy, and she was still speechless.
Zellard weighed the pros and cons, resisted his cowardice, and chose to walk behind whites with his head down, saying he was too busy to apologize:


"Yes... Sorry... Sister whites…"
The blue shadow flashed, and the next second, it was the sharp pain and suffocation that pricked the nerve endings - whites was like a crazy beast, holding zellard's neck with one hand, and forcibly lifting him off the ground. The blue veins were exposed, which was due to possessive stupidity and jealousy stupidity.

