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2023-12-01原创短篇连载黑暗病娇抖S男性向 来源:百合文库
The crimson ice peaks rose from the ground, like the crazy surging of blood and the darkness in the Old Testament.
The cold temperature behind Whites's back made all the creatures in the thousands of miles tremble at this moment——
The Supreme General of the Empire was gloomy at this time. She seemed to be full of calm rationality, but actually she had been betrayed by the hysterical roar on the face and the exposed twisted veins just now.


His Majesty poured cold water on her,which made her heart filled with darkness and negativity, just like the murmur of an evil ghost, which tearing Whites's heart and let her suffer.
Erasing the glittering of her eyes, when she was about to vent her unhappiness in the palace garden, what came into her view was the kiss between Yelena and Zelleder directly in front of her——

