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2023-12-01 来源:百合文库

After some time, Zelda opened her eyes. She figured that she must have taken a nap. She sat up dizzily and rubbed her eyes. The tunnel she had fallen in looked above. A spot of light introduced an opening to another cave. Except these, there were no entrances to other places. Zelda figured that her voice has recovered and her ankle felt better. I must have slept for a long time, Zelda muttered. She tried to climb up the tunnel three times, but ended up getting a face full of dust. She spat some dirt out, wiped her face, and headed dismayed for the spot of light ahead…


‘I told you you need an eye doctor! You MUST HAVE lost her! I mean, she is a human being! She is big and, um, spetaculah! How could you miss her?!’ Percy stomped around, waving his hand around in the air as if he was drowning. ‘First thing, purse, it should be spectacular, not spetaculah. Besides, you were snoring up the tree, man!’ Link explained desperately. ‘I did not!’ ‘Did too!’ ‘Nuh un!’ ‘Yeah hun!’ ‘Nope!’ ‘Yup!’ ‘Never, EVER!’ ‘Oh yeah?’ The boys wheat back and forth for a long time. Annabeth growled and covered her ears. However, Mario seemed to be somewhat enjoying himself! ‘Yes, no, maybe so!’ He chanted, hopping from his left foot to the right. Annabeth, with an explosive sound, shouted, ‘STOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOP!!!!!!!’ This shout got an outstanding, Percy-shocking Link-astonishing Mario-surprising effect. Annabeth plopped down on the ground, exhausted. Calmed down,(maybe not) Percy, Link and Mario walked on. Suddenly, they heard a scuffling noise. The trees around them shook like crazy. ‘Invisible enemies! Stay alert!’ Link yelled and fished out his shield and Master sword. Mario whooped and threw his hat 360 degrees, searching for hidden enemies. ‘Hey, M, maybe you could use the skill that knocked off a group ‘o’ poisonous forest raccoons that day!’ Percy reminded. Mario grinned, and, with a terrific swing of his hand, threw the hat up. Time seemed to slow down. A large whirlwind of dust formed. Although the effect was good, the cyclone only got a few creatures. ‘This is no use. We need a way to overpower them!’ Annabeth cried out loud. ‘Mario, throw the hat at me, and make it slower than usual.’ Mario looked blankly at her. ‘I SAID THROW YOIR HAT AT ME! QUICK!!!’ Annabeth screamed. Mario shook himself awake and threw his hat . The wind whistled as the hat advanced towards Annabeth. ‘You are crazy! You will kill yourself! Stop!’ Link gasped. ‘Annabeth!’ Percy screamed and ran towards Annabeth. ‘This is not a good time to kill yourself!’