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2023-11-30 来源:百合文库


Reniya Amastacia
Race: Moon Elf
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Class: Bladesinger wizard 8, Ranger 1
Dark blue hair(long), lavender eyes, white skin, 5.9 feet. 129 years old.
Preferred weapon: Enchanted Elvish curved longsword. Spellbook.
For others, 40 years may be a long period of time, but for elves, it is but the flick of a delicate finger. It is also the time Reniya spent in secluded woods and elven grounds, completing her training in the ancient elven art of bladesinging. She was 49 when she received her longsword from her master (which happens to be her father), as a tribute for her mastery in the art. After that, she left her ancestral home on the island of Evermeet, seeking adventure. She has now resided in Neverwinter Wood with the local elves for thirty years, barely having any contact with outsiders. She seems cold, but is a tsundere at heart. Also, she has no defense against cats. She has a familiar named Avonlea, a black cat with golden eyes which seems to come from the astral plane. Unlike most astral residents, she can stay for long periods of time on the material plane as long as she stays near her summoning amulet, which is on Reniya’s left ear as a amethyst gem. Note: DO NOT UNDERESTIMATE THE CAT.