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【小说】Snow Bird - Chap1 赛博朋克 科幻 全英防盗(6)

2023-11-30 来源:百合文库
“Your body condition has failed the standard check.”
“I just need some time to…to recover, and train.”
“The result shows that some parts of your body are permanently damaged.”
“But I can still fight. I’m still the highest class and experienced assassin.”
“You know the rules. Once you read the mission file, you must take it no matter what.”
Snow Bird sighs, “if I can finish it, could you consider giving me a chance back to work?”
Boss nods.

【小说】Snow Bird - Chap1 赛博朋克 科幻 全英防盗

“Okay…okay. Let’s get this dumb chips done.”
To be continue…or not
