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【小说】Snow Bird - Chap1 赛博朋克 科幻 全英防盗(5)

2023-11-30 来源:百合文库
“Boss! Where have you been? I almost die outside!” Snow Bird sees the person, cannot help to rise up her volume.
Boss gives a look at Lilian.
Lilian quickly walks out.
Boss turns the sight back to Snow Bird, “Snow, there’s a mission I need to tell you.”
“Great news to hear.”
“Your mission this time is a bit different from before, but it’s very important,” Boss hands her a hard copy in paper, “and it’s a 5-stars mission.”
“Haven’t got a 5-stars for years, are you giving me this to compensate my sacrifice this time?” the smile on Snow Bird’s face slowly froze as she reads the document:

【小说】Snow Bird - Chap1 赛博朋克 科幻 全英防盗

(Top Secret) Mission 056HL
Harn Cuh:
The chief of The Family Cuh, where Cuh is the head of The Five Families
The owner of the world's largest weapons&arms corporation
The major producer of noninvasive&invasive biomechanical parts
Undercover as Harn Cuh’s secretary, earn his trust, and obtain the secret file
Further information about the file will be given after you earn his trust
“No. No way. I’m not going to do this chip.”

【小说】Snow Bird - Chap1 赛博朋克 科幻 全英防盗
