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Archive from 1899: a visit of Mr. Peverell(6)

2023-11-29邓布利多格林德沃ggad 来源:百合文库
Gellert turned to Aberforth and said, “I can restore your cello if you allow me to show you ‘the Resurrection therapy besides acoustic spells.” Gellert patted on the quivering furious shoulder of Aberforth and wanted to make remedies.
“I will instead go if you don’t mind,” Albus said. “Aberforth as far as I know, has no faintest interest in Dark Arts.” 

Archive from 1899: a visit of Mr. Peverell

“I prefer you not too, Albus, I would rather abandon it than have it resurrected by anonymous dark myth.” Aberforth was fuelled with repressed fume.
Mrs. Bagshot meant to ease the tension, “Gellert hasn’t got any company of his age since he stayed at mine… nor had he since long before probably. I would love to see if you three could try to befriend with each other.” 

Archive from 1899: a visit of Mr. Peverell
