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Archive from 1899: a visit of Mr. Peverell(2)

2023-11-29邓布利多格林德沃ggad 来源:百合文库
Oh yesterday, after arguing with Aberforth over whether it was necessary to sacrifice his cello, and then being forced to mop the kitchen without magic, Albus had barely time to read chapter 7. 
“You look worn out, my holy goodness, did Aberforth really torture you with house chores, and forbid using magic by cleaning?” It was in Gellert’s words, a humiliation to a wizard because he was deprived of the pleasure of living a chores-free life.

Archive from 1899: a visit of Mr. Peverell

“I would be more worried about, that Aberforth found out, Mrs. Bagshot could not save his cello, either.” Albus looked at Gellert with a grin.
“After he made me so gorgeous a pumpkin pastry?” Gellert took the cake from Albus, “Aberforth was amazing!”
Mrs. Bagshot was working on a muffler, when the two young Dumbledore came in. three tiny owls leapt freely on the amber rug, helping the old lady sorting her yarn.

Archive from 1899: a visit of Mr. Peverell
