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【生肉搬运】鸟雀Passerine 第四章(下)(3)

Despite everything, Wilbur managed a small smile. A smile that slipped from his face when a sudden motion flickered in the corner of his vision.
“Tommy, watch out!” Wilbur shouted, just as the enemy solider barreled into Tommy. The two of them tumbled into the dirt, a tangle of limbs and blades.
Wilbur fumbled for an arrow and found his quiver empty.
Shit! he thought.
Shit, the voices agreed happily.
Wilbur hurriedly slung his bow over his shoulder and, in the same breath, unsheathed his twin rapiers from their scabbards. He dropped down from his perch, his teeth rattling on impact, the pain not registering because Tommy’s in trouble.

【生肉搬运】鸟雀Passerine 第四章(下)

The enemy soldier had Tommy pinned to the ground, a sword raised over his head and ready to drop. Tommy was thrashing, desperately reaching for the spear that had been knocked out of his hand, but Wilbur was already kicking the enemy violently off him. The enemy rolled across the ground, allowing Wilbur to stand between him and Tommy, the twin swords flashing menacingly in the flickering firelight.
“Get the fuck away from my brother,” he hissed.