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【生肉搬运】鸟雀Passerine 第四章(上)(2)

Or, war, warmth, and the act of welcoming someone home.
hi niki :D
Chapter's trigger/content warnings are as follows:
Violence/Depictions of violence
(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)
Chapter Text
Three men stood on a balcony where once there were two. A mortal king, a mortal prince, and their red-eyed teacher. In the gardens below, travelers were gathering, most weary from their journey from every corner of the vast kingdom. Even now, more were still pouring into the capital city, staring in wide-eyed confusion, a conscription notice tucked into their pockets or crushed Between nervous fingers.

【生肉搬运】鸟雀Passerine 第四章(上)

All able-bodied citizens of the kingdom are called to the king’s castle, the letters all said, carried from bustling towns to quiet villages by messengers on the kingdom’s most swift-footed horses and courier birds taking to their familiar wind-carved routes. War is coming, and it is time to defend your motherland.
The conscription letter had gone on to specify that only those over the age of eighteen were to be included in the king’s army. Many had chosen to ignore that. Among the horde trickling slowly into the heart of the kingdom was a brown-haired boy a year shy of the stipulated age. He kept the hood of his battered cloak up, so no one could see the traces of boyhood still etched into his skin like a brand.