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2023-11-23 来源:百合文库
The stairs have long been corroded and can't be used. We walked into the elevator. Obviously, because of the eXistence of someone, the elevator can still be used. Suddenly, a creaking sound came, and I exclaimed.
"They're going to cut the steel cable of the elevator!"
The sense of falling didn't come. I heard the sudden wind and knew that Li Guanshan was using empowerment. I dragged him and said, "use it less... I don't want to see the young Li family die young." He smiled calmly: "I can't die." Although I know this is a life-saving skill, I can't help worrying at the thought that he is consuming vitality. After going upstairs, there were fewer people on the way, but the smell of blood became more and more serious. An open door attracts people to enter, but there is darkness behind the door. "Shallow, you protect him. I'll be back soon." Li Guanshan entered the door without hesitation. But soon he came out of the door and said to Li Qianqian, "shallow, you come in. There are many weapons behind the door." I was about to pull the anXious moto in, but he said, "look at the door and be careful of the sneak attack of those people." I had to stop. But Li Qianqian ordered Moto to take good care of me and went in, but suddenly there was no movement. I touched Moto's fur again and again, but he didn't warn. Then she should be fine. Li Guanshan suddenly appeared behind me and asked, "water source, shallow?" I was startled: "didn't she go in with you?" He suddenly frowned. "It's a fake door. If you go straight ahead, you'll come back." he suddenly looked at Moto lying down beside me. "Very good. She even recognized my brother wrong." So he took me in the opposite direction and kicked open a closed door on the other side of the floor. Li Qianqian was inside, and there was another Li Guanshan.