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2023-11-23 来源:百合文库


"More than 30 person.But I didn't see weapons. It's a pity." What a pity? Is my treasure map actually an arms stronghold?
Didn't you say that new humans can't even make weapons? They can even control nature. What do they need these thermal weapons for? However, I was afraid to expose the facts of my journey and didn't dare to ask. "Nothing? How many grenades have you sold at the auction? Do you have 100000 star coins? If you use one less, you can only auction it. Thanks to our auction." Li Guanshan said in a deep voice, "that's why you and I are here." Li Qianqian suddenly looked at me: "water source, where did you rob this treasure map from a new human? Their family can't keep it. How many grenades will be blown up." I was stunned, so I had to make it up: "an old human map handed down by my ancestors records some landmark buildings. Presumably, the ancestors didn't expect that things have changed in recent years. A map has become a treasure map for new humans." I still couldn't help asking, "shallow, you new humans don't all have special skills. Why do you look for these old weapons?" I was afraid of exposure, so I had to ask vaguely, "can't new humans really make advanced weapons?" Li Qianqian replied carelessly, "we don't even have ore and we can't drink water. No one has spare money to study that thing. Here, I have such a powder diamond ring with a platinum base. It was dug out from the ground. I'm reluctant to sell those ladies for 20 million star coins. After all, this thing is limited. We can't make it. What else do new humans have besides physical strength?" Li sighed. "So you old humans think we have special skills? Don't talk about it. It's just an overdraft of life. Every time we use it, we are consuming vitality. Otherwise, we are so strong. How can we even be 60 years old? I'm afraid we have to thank God if we live outside every day like my brother and me until we are 40 years old. New humans die because of excessive use of power. When our lives are consumed, they die naturally."