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【生肉搬运】鸟雀Passerine 第二章(5)

“But I want the Blade,” Tommy whined.
Wilbur snorted. “Yeah, as if you could even wake up early enough. You’ll still be in bed by noon, I can see it now.”
Father gave Wilbur a cheeky grin he only reserved for his eldest son. “Tell you what, Tommy, if you can wake up with Wilbur, then you can watch him train with Techno.”
“Truly?” Tommy kicked back from the table, nearly upsetting Father’s glass of wine. “Good night, then! Early to bed, early to the prize, as they always say!”

【生肉搬运】鸟雀Passerine 第二章

“Who says that?” Wilbur said, but Tommy had already gone off, leaving Wilbur with their father and the silence.
For a while, the only sound were utensils scraping against plates and Wilbur’s heartbeat in his ears. He would never admit it to Tommy or anyone, but his relationship with Father was always better with his brother around. It wasn’t that Wilbur didn’t love his father, or that he thought his father didn’t love him. Wilbur couldn’t remember it happening, but somewhere along the way of studying warfare and politics, of staring up at the throne that would one day be his, of learning how to be a prince, he’d forgotten how to be a son.