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【生肉搬运】鸟雀Passerine 第二章(23)

“Sure.” Wilbur turned from them, and began to walk away. “One day. Whenever that is.”
He expected a rebuttal. Or perhaps wanted one.
But, as always, there was nothing left to say.
They carried on like that for months more.
Every morning, Wilbur would pull himself out of bed and head down to the gardens, where Technoblade would always be waiting—even after the times he threatened to leave, and the times that it looked like he was truly going to. Technoblade would walk Wilbur through his stances and correct them by demonstrating how exactly it could be turned against him. The tutor was never fully pleased, but eventually they made their way through the weapons in the chest and had to request for more to practice with: spears and knives and axes. They never spoke beyond the usual instructions, and Wilbur never complained again when—a few weeks in—he almost, almost, disarmed Technoblade during a sparring session with the rapier, before Technoblade inevitably knocked him over again.

【生肉搬运】鸟雀Passerine 第二章

“I almost got you!” Wilbur had grinned, even as he picked himself up from the floor.
“Almost won’t cut it on the battlefield, princeling,” Technoblade had said with a roll of his eyes. “And I was going easy on you.”