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Chapter 1: The Corpse of Steel(3)

2023-11-22vtubernijisanjiennoctyxfulgurovidlegatus505 来源:百合文库
Oh, don't worry, dear listener, we aren't opening up that can of worms. Imagery relating to Dante's Inferno is cliché enough, but you won't find me ever struggling to separate fact from fiction. Sure, we all tell ourselves little lies to make it through the day with our sanity intact, but putting a family friendly spin on a murder scene is just another way to keep the masses calm, and if I happen to use it to preserve the monetization of this content, well, who's the victim? ... other than the perishables spoiling all around me, of course.

Chapter 1: The Corpse of Steel

Among the food on the ground are the remains of circuitry and metal casings. Even in this disorder it's easy to deduce their former use; cracked screens stuffed snugly into synthetic sheets make it all too clear. Whoever these kids were and whatever led them to become spilt groceries, they would have once looked no different to the destitute masses stagnating the outskirts of The Republic.
Total Body Suits, or TB Suits like these, were one of the many ways that humanity managed to survive in the modern ecosystem. A hefty backpack contained all the apparatus for filtering air, purifying waste fluids and powering the screens and sound devices needed to view the Duoverse. Meanwhile an almost skin-tight film surrounded the entire body, protecting the wearer from radiation and other pollutants... for the most part.