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Chapter 1: The Corpse of Steel(2)

2023-11-22vtubernijisanjiennoctyxfulgurovidlegatus505 来源:百合文库
I blink a few times, looking over the crime scene before me. Cold grey eyes adjust and shift perspectives, but no matter how I look, it's still horrific. A long sigh escapes my lips as I can bear it no longer. Similarly rooted to the spot, I allow my gaze to fall to the ground right in front of me. The remains of 2 young men lay in heaps on the pavement. Seeing the sheer amount of mess and how it has formed Rorschach patterns in such a wide radius, it's clear they had been high up in that metal corpse. 

Chapter 1: The Corpse of Steel

One looks like a fluffy sheep to me... no idea what a psychologist would glean from that observation.
I close my eyes for half a second before reopening them, and the mess before me turns instead to a colorful art piece. Lumps of meat and fruit have been placed on the ground, and poured over them all is a rich purple wine that looks all too enticing to one as thirsty as me. Were it not for the telltale pulse and shimmer of the image, I might question which sight was reality.

Chapter 1: The Corpse of Steel
