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Sticking to the innocence

2023-11-22EnglishTheLittlePrincebookreview 来源:百合文库

Sticking to the innocence

Sticking to the innocence
──A book review of The Little Prince
It is a plain fairy tale, which is neither bizarre plot nor earth-shaking feat, unfolding in plain narration. The charm of this exquisite work The Little Prince lies in its rich connotation and extensive symbolism, and its manifest and cryptic symbolic meanings.
The king, the conceited man, the tippler, the businessman, the lamplighter and the geographer are the representatives of people from all walks of life in reality. There is no lack of individuals who respect the objective law, who are diligent and practical, and who stand fast at their positions. Meanwhile, they all have their Achilles' heel --they lost their bearings in the pursuit of their dreams. Having forgotten their original self, they indulge themselves in their own world. Providing a striking contrast with the little prince, the "grown-ups" succumbed to the pressure of the outside world and the temptation of money, seeking nothing but profits and losing their true feelings. There is no doubt that the little prince, who lived entirely by spiritual values, used the word "strange" to convey his incomprehension.