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诡秘外国网友评论节选意译 - 【1252-1258】【含本章说】(28)

2023-11-05 来源:百合文库
Klein faking losing control then confidently smiling at the enemy is so scary and badass.
thx for chapter!! ow what an intense battle.. this Sasrir is too OP!! he even inflict serious injury to Collin even when he is fighting 3 to 1.... i really hope Collin survive tho if not how can Derick face other people from City of Silver even now he is branded as traitor by many people now that was some crazy planning from Klein to trap his opponent XD the silver nigh doing twitching dance really make me laugh.. still what do he mean by last sentence?? Sefirah Castle?? Miss Massanger?? or Anchor from all his believer

诡秘外国网友评论节选意译 - 【1252-1258】【含本章说】

I think Sasrir is not still in the battle, probably influencing it or just passively attacking. Sasrir is a top king of angel directly came from a deity. Just Amon's strength is terrifying. So I think Sasrir is much stronger. But maybe there is some circumstances like he is weakened. Still a king of angel is a king of angel after all, the strongest beyonder on the ground.