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[史海拾贝]A morning in 1933(3)

2023-11-05reality 来源:百合文库
Then, when I hung out, I could see the number of homeless people was increasing. Do they have the same ability? I wonder.
In addition. Other strange things happened: somebody poured the milk into the river, somebody said they lost much money owing to the bear market decline, somebody drew a great amount of money from the bank. (Is it a good way to show how easy they can be robbed?)

[史海拾贝]A morning in 1933

Of course, “somebody” refers to the rich.
But now, it’ a morning.
Silence, as if there were no living thing in the city.
Bridge, on the cleanest river here.
"The government said they need workers to build a new bridge, they finally find it vital to stop the economy freely?” A man meet me “by chance” (or every day?)
“Actually, I don’t know the economy and I also don’t care what the government said. The only thing I would do is to wish it would recover. Just like it used to be.”

[史海拾贝]A morning in 1933
