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Book of Strange Tales(4)

2023-11-05悬疑惊悚怪谈短编小说 来源:百合文库
Xin Xin blushed even more. Still mesmerising on the yummy candies she had earlier, she asked. “Emmmm….XiaoTang jiejie, do you still have some more candies?”
Xiao Tang smiled and said: “Xin Xin, “Look behind you.”
Xin Xin turned and looked behind her.
Xin Xin saw a big tree and when she took a closer look, she saw many candies on the tree. The candies looked so yummy.
“Xiao Tang jiejie, why do this tree has so many candies?”
“Hee..hee… this tree is a very special tree. It is a candy tree. It can grow candies all year round. “

Book of Strange Tales

“Wow! A candy tree! I wished I have a candy tree too.”
Xiao Tang grinned and looked at Xin Xin.
“Well, Xin Xin, If you could help me to look after this candy tree, you can have the candies in return. What do you think?”
Xin Xin clapped her hands with joy and said. “Really, XiaoTang jiejie, I can have the candies?”
“Yes, Xin Xin, you can have the candies as long as you help me to look after this tree.”
“Yipee! Now I can have more candies to eat. XiaoTang jiejie, don’t worry, I will help to look after this candy tree for you.”

Book of Strange Tales
