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诡秘外国网友评论节选意译 - 【1224-1227】(36)

2023-11-04 来源:百合文库
Can’t wait for Klein to come sailing out of the Forsaken Land of the Gods with thousands of uber devout (not to mention physically giant) followers. Other than the gods, Adam, Amon and the Tarot Club members everyone else is gong to be like “holy f*cking-what now?” It just makes me want Klein to get his hands on that characteristic even faster to see that part play out.

诡秘外国网友评论节选意译 - 【1224-1227】

thx for chapter lol HAHAH dang long term loan to get thing that he want that sanguine dude really is clever using his racial trait to advantage aii.. really the writing feel so realistic the suffering of the people from war can be clearly feel from the chapter same goes to the different life of commoner and noble..kudos author again u amaze me man Klein is solidifying his anchor for godhood XD i laugh so hard at breaking down from all "phone calls from work" part.. still i will say compare to other faith those who believe in him will thread better since he care for those under him