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诡秘外国网友评论节选意译 - 【1204-1207】【含本章说】(39)

2023-11-01 来源:百合文库
Klein already told several times that he doesnt want Mr Door to escape. Mr Door may have been corrupted by the cosmos and when he escapes the first thing he might do is to steal the sefirah castle.
I wish I could reach into the Historical Void like Klein so that I can bring back mass released chapters...

诡秘外国网友评论节选意译 - 【1204-1207】【含本章说】

For a legend to exist, there must be intelligent life to witness, record, and perpetuate the legend. I wonder how "populated" the cosmos really is beyond this planet. Or does "beyond the planet" also include places deep in the spirit world, too?
The cosmos is not really the spirit world, more like outer space. Also, yes, there are civilizations out there and stuff; I say this cause of a hint in chapter 1065 of the rules of wandering the cosmos left by previous high level Apprentice beyonders: 1. First, don’t respond to any calls. 2. Second, don’t be reckless and Approach unknown creatures or buildings. 3. Third, endure loneliness. We can tell that there are not only creatures, but even buildings.