诡秘外国网友评论节选意译 - 【1108-1116】【含本章说】(42)
2023-10-31 来源:百合文库
In general, coal will never turn into oil, and oil will never turn into coal, but they both will turn into natural gas given sufficient heat, pressure, and time.
Oil is pretty much exclusively formed fairly deep, but not too deep underwater and is made of creatures in marine sediments.
It requires sufficient life which isn't found in deep ocean, but also requires anoxic environments which can't be found in shallow water.
Oil being found on land is all land that was formerly underwater.
Coal but no oil might suggest a lack of tectonic activity in this world preventing coasts from significantly shifting. Or perhaps a lifeform eats oil, or even some sort of cthulhu monstrosity is consuming it.
Plus, it may be that oil exists, but for some reason it can't get close enough to the surface to be exploited by their level of industrial-age technogy.
In general, coal will never turn into oil, and oil will never turn into coal, but they both will turn into natural gas given sufficient heat, pressure, and time.
Oil is pretty much exclusively formed fairly deep, but not too deep underwater and is made of creatures in marine sediments.
It requires sufficient life which isn't found in deep ocean, but also requires anoxic environments which can't be found in shallow water.
Oil being found on land is all land that was formerly underwater.
Coal but no oil might suggest a lack of tectonic activity in this world preventing coasts from significantly shifting. Or perhaps a lifeform eats oil, or even some sort of cthulhu monstrosity is consuming it.
Plus, it may be that oil exists, but for some reason it can't get close enough to the surface to be exploited by their level of industrial-age technogy.