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Struggle and Revival: Breaking Through the Darkness(3)

2023-11-01 来源:百合文库

Struggle and Revival: Breaking Through the Darkness

Afterward, unity is also a positive force when there is a foundation built on courage. Unity illustrates the elimination of prejudice, the maintenance of tolerance, and the equality of all people, which is of immense importance for unity. The power of unity cannot be underestimated and is something that people are always trying to build. Unity is needed to overcome differences, unity is needed to build alliances, and success in the fight against evil depends on people being united enough. As Malala calls upon, success is impossible if half of the population does not move forward: "We call upon all communities to be tolerant - to reject prejudice To ensure freedom and equality for women so that they can flourish. To ensure freedom and equality for women so that they can flourish. We cannot all succeed when half of us are held back."(Malala 4) Similarly, in Deborah's article, they have been trying to build a great union, and a great union requires unity, putting prejudice aside first: "To compose a country committed to all cultures, colors, characters, and conditions of And so we lift our gaze, not to what stands between us, but what stands before us. We close the divide because we know to put our future first, we must first put our differences aside."(Deborah 1) Combining the two texts, the importance of unity and the reasons why people have been working on it also emerge. Unity is an important foundation for achieving goals, and the construction of good goals requires raising the gaze, eliminating discrimination, and uniting as one so that people can succeed together.