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Undying Legend Ch1 Part2(9)

2023-11-01 来源:百合文库
“I got it in a few days ago.I got it from Red’ghost.”
“It seems you’re quite comfortable with you.”
Red G Black turns his head to Tommy.His eyes are burning the flame of dark.This make him think of a ferryman from a novel that he was read when he was young.The ferryman wears a black robe and hands a pole for punt,sends people to the hell.And now,the man who is stands in front of him looks like he’s going to send him into the hell just like the ferryman.

Undying Legend Ch1 Part2

Li lavodi ai lova vos li salov ai pilov
Li salov ai pilov vos li bovita ai tio
Li bovita ai tio vos solivo ai holav
Li solivo ai holav vos goil ai davi
Li goil ai davi vos ailov ai tivilo
Li ailov ai tivilo vos net ai wvist

Undying Legend Ch1 Part2
