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Undying Legend Ch1 Part2(6)

2023-11-01 来源:百合文库
With strong spirit of survival,crews built their houses,made weapons,and finally dug the caves.
Deep in the mountains,they found thousands of treasures ------ ent iron.The ent iron have extremely high degree of hardness and extremely smooth surface that the friction force of any object on its surface is zero.So it’s very hard to get and process.People found it in the crews’ hometown ------ Rodno Mesto.But the ent iron here is more hard that only extremely high temperature could disrupt its form.Without this,the ent iron is perfect.But the ent iron is very rare and it can’t used to make armor.

Undying Legend Ch1 Part2

Crews were living on this island for several generations.People in the first generation were all died.But only one,he,Mordost,not only survival for many years,but also found a precious near the village.A pendant,shining translucent blue light and sometime,it may make some voice.

Undying Legend Ch1 Part2
