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"Phew," said Camicazi, bright red in the face, "that was a close one ... What did I tell you? You can't keep a Bog-Burglar under lock and key. And you didn't do too badly ... for boys, of course."
Hiccup staggered to his feet and peered over the edge of the basket.
A warm breeze blew his hair back.
"Look!" cried Hiccup, pointing downward and then turning back to the others in sudden excitement. "My father's War Party! He did send it after all!"


"Well, I don't know what you're so pleased about -- it's a bit late, don't you think?" grumbled Fishlegs. "One day earlier and it could have saved me about three thousand heart attacks ..."
"It doesn't matter," grinned Hiccup. "He sent it, and that's the important thing. He doesn't think Snotlout would make a better Heir after all."

