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Hiccup helped haul Fishlegs into the basket and Camicazi cut the rope. "GO, GO, GO!" yelled Camicazi, and the Gronckle sent a bright breath of flame up into the balloon and it rose off the battlements into the air.
But just as it rose, a golden hook clunked into the bottom of the basket and held fast.
The Gronckle gave another big puff and the great balloon shot gracefully upward, and the grim hook, together with Alvin the Treacherous, shot up too.


"S-s-sorry," said Toothless, crash-landing on Hiccup's helmet. "I couldn't keep him back any longer."
Fishlegs glanced over the basket's side and then looked at Hiccup with popping eyes. "Oohh, dear, is that who I think it is?" he moaned. "It's like a nightmare -- we can't get rid of him!"
Hiccup dared himself to take a look over the rim.

