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And with that, he was gone.
"Why did you let him go?" shrieked Fishlegs. "I hate to mention this but we're not free yet, we're still stuck in an arena surrounded by Sharkworms!"
"The Sharkworms seem more interested in the audience," said Hiccup. "That's why I got Ziggerastica's armies to eat through the metal netting and to spend all night chomping through the dam. It was all part of my plan, you see -- now the dam has cracked, we can simply sail out..."


Hiccup gestured to the open doors of the auditorium. The water was pouring out of them in a great river.
"Brilliant," said Camicazi. "I've got to admit, that's brilliant... for a boy, of course."
Hiccup was already at the tiller and he pointed the ship toward the open doors of the stadium.
The Valhalla Express nosed its way toward the entrance.

