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My Cultural Tours(4)

2023-10-31 来源:百合文库

My Cultural Tours

troops walked by me, and I looked closely and saw that they were composed of all-males, whom history books told me were the most respected army in Athens, and that they were composed of the noble class of gays. Shortly after, I walked up to a schoolhouse with statues of Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle, some of the most famous philosophers in Athens and the world, for whom philosophy is basically based. Here, all citizens who reached the age of 20 could participate in the citizens' assembly, and most of these classes were also divided according to property. Because the contribution of the citizens to the city-state is reflected in holding public office and fighting in the war, only those whose families are rich enough to afford weapons (war weapons are self-provided) can afford to hold these positions, but also to shoulder more responsibility. It is worth mentioning, however, that women also had citizenship, second only to adult men. Soon after, at night, everyone went home, and I was left to lie on the beach with the intention of taking a nap. But I soon fell asleep and woke up a few minutes later in a circular open-air building that looked like a stadium. One after another, people in different costumes came to the high school stands and sat down. I looked at this circular open-air building with many arches and got lost in thought, then suddenly remembered that this is not the Roman Colosseum? This time I was in the ancient Roman Empire! The show was about to begin, I did not care to pat the dust on my body, and ran directly to the audience. The clothes were quite loose, similar to the Greek costumes, but others wore more colorful clothes, and a full range of styles. Soon after the bullfighting show began, the man who fought the bull was big, but very flexible, and the audience, including me, were applauding! Soon after the show ended, I planned to go out for a walk to see the architectural style and humanistic style of the place. The city was densely packed with houses, and after my