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Wind by Naomi kritzer(15)

2023-10-31 来源:百合文库
Madel’s eyes grew wide. “What do you want in return for this favor?”
“Well, perhaps someday long in the future I might send you an apprentice with no fee. But I feel that this is a bit of payment to your mother, who has healed me despite my inability to pay.”
“Payment to my mother?” Madel laughed at that. “She will be furious about this.”
Madel was half right; Dagmar was half furious. But the other half of her, the side that was practicality and desire for her children to have lives that suited them (as opposed to grief and fear about being left alone once again)—that side of her knew that this was an irreplaceable opportunity. From deep in a trunk, she took out a woolen travel cloak and some uncut leather that one of Madel’s sons could make into a pair of good boots for her. When the boots were ready, they had found Madel some traveling companions heading in the right direction. Dagmar kissed Madel and gave her her blessing, and then said goodbye.

Wind by Naomi kritzer

The house was very quiet when she was gone.
“Perhaps I should have made her wait,” Dagmar said. “Surely, when you are healed, you’ll be headed in that same direction, won’t you? You could have escorted her.”