诡秘外国网友评论节选意译 - 【1023-1034】【含本章说】(25)
2023-10-31 来源:百合文库
他写过一部知名戏剧,《熔炉》,他的外号叫做“犹太区的狄更斯” 。我觉得这本书的很多地方都可以看得出受他影响的痕迹。
【Isreal Zangwill=伊斯雷尔·桑奎尔,又译伊斯瑞尔·冉威尔,如你所见他的名字和因斯·赞格威尔非常相似。至于“犹太区的狄更斯”,字面直译应该是“贫民窟的狄更斯”,但Ghetto一开始就是用来描述威尼斯的犹太人聚集区的,桑奎尔也的确是犹太人,于是就如此翻译。】
Not a name reference, but the Sea of Consciousness and the mind islands from the 'audience' path way is based of the "Iceburg Model" by Sigmund Freud, and Austrian neurologist.
Quoting Windvally from LOTM Wiki discord server :
'There's a real life mathematician named Felix Klein who died in Göttingen, Germany. In the Chinese word characters, if you take tingen out of Göttingen, you get "Tingen (City)", the city where Klein woke up in. Felix Klein was also the first person to describe a "Klein Bottle" in topology, which is a similar concept to the Möbius strip except described in three dimension. The Klein Bottle is the both the beginning and the end (you go from one direction, you will return to the same spot but on the flipped side of the surface), it has no outside or inside, and it is boundless. Fool's card represent the beginning and the end of the Tarot Card, and it represent limitless (boundless) possibilities.'
他写过一部知名戏剧,《熔炉》,他的外号叫做“犹太区的狄更斯” 。我觉得这本书的很多地方都可以看得出受他影响的痕迹。
【Isreal Zangwill=伊斯雷尔·桑奎尔,又译伊斯瑞尔·冉威尔,如你所见他的名字和因斯·赞格威尔非常相似。至于“犹太区的狄更斯”,字面直译应该是“贫民窟的狄更斯”,但Ghetto一开始就是用来描述威尼斯的犹太人聚集区的,桑奎尔也的确是犹太人,于是就如此翻译。】
Not a name reference, but the Sea of Consciousness and the mind islands from the 'audience' path way is based of the "Iceburg Model" by Sigmund Freud, and Austrian neurologist.
Quoting Windvally from LOTM Wiki discord server :
'There's a real life mathematician named Felix Klein who died in Göttingen, Germany. In the Chinese word characters, if you take tingen out of Göttingen, you get "Tingen (City)", the city where Klein woke up in. Felix Klein was also the first person to describe a "Klein Bottle" in topology, which is a similar concept to the Möbius strip except described in three dimension. The Klein Bottle is the both the beginning and the end (you go from one direction, you will return to the same spot but on the flipped side of the surface), it has no outside or inside, and it is boundless. Fool's card represent the beginning and the end of the Tarot Card, and it represent limitless (boundless) possibilities.'