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The west wing ward has been redecorated entirely in shades of red after it was made the unofficial home for a group of patients all of whom came from the same place, The Scarlet Manor.
The patients consist of the manor's former employees namely the gatekeeper, head maid, librarian, and library assistant as well as the family's last two living children the eldest daughter and her younger sister. The Scarlet family fell into financial crisis which affected the sisters more than anyone else, the manor soon became abandoned with the two young girls left there but not alone a handful of the manors former servants decided to stay and care for the two girls who unfortunately were left mentally unsound. The servants were the ones to call and requested admittance to the hospital since the manor had degraded to the point where living there was a dangerous hazard to the daughters and their own health. Upon meeting Reimu and Marisa the daughters took to the "game" like fish to water since it allows them to pretend that the still have the highly respected lifestyle, the servants decided to play along so as to keep an eye on the sisters. Surprisingly the servants are completely sane but some suffer from very strange physical problems which were odd enough to be allowed to be part of the "game". The eldest Scarlet sisters have placed a set rule that if anyone wanted to speak with her or her sister they had to get by the manors staff members first.