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诡秘外国网友评论节选意译 - 【948-949】【含本章说】(21)

2023-10-31 来源:百合文库
You're wrong on their only being one seq 2 Angel of the church for the same pathway. True, their is only one Pope who is always a Seq 2 but he/she is not the only seq 2 of that church's main pathway. While an Angel might not necessarily serve a church, it doesn't mean they only have 1 of same pathway. That not withstanding - the Angel the goddess uses as a vessel is a Seq 2. Apart from the Pope, you can see there is already another one of the same pathway. Point is - your assumption that the churches only have the Pope who is at Seq 2 as the only Angel of their pathway is not correct...

诡秘外国网友评论节选意译 - 【948-949】【含本章说】

On the point of their being a limited number of angels, I agree with you. Long ago it was mentioned that the higher you go, the lesser (to an extent) the beyonders would become. Like, for every pathway, there can only be a maximum of three seq 1s. It makes sense that even if the seq 2s might be more than three, they won't be too many. Maybe at Seq 3 there can be much more...