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2023-10-30续写dreamily微笑(英文版) 来源:百合文库
“....S..Sehun? Sehun! Wake up you dumbass!” There was a loud crash in front of me and I slowly woke up from the sound of something hitting my face. My head hurt badly when it came into contact with something hard and I opened my eyes.
It was still dark outside, but the sky lit up with a bright red glow that made the night seem almost ethereal. I felt like falling asleep again, but there was another person speaking to me. I turned my head and realized who it was, Jongin was kneeling next to me holding my shoulders and shaking my body gently.


He looked worried, and when he saw that my eyes were open, he let out a sigh of relief. “You scared the shit out of me, Sehun. You weren’t moving and then suddenly you just went down! What the hell are you even doing here?! Do you have any idea what time it is!?” 