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诡秘外国网友评论节选意译 - 【904-909】(21)

2023-10-30 来源:百合文库
We are unsure of the exact reason why those of the Monster pathway have trouble looking at him but we did learn about this effect on them early on (first 100 chapters when he went to the underground market with Old Niel) all we know for sure (far as I can remmeber) is that it has something to do with both the grey fog and his statues as a transmigrater. Both of which probably resulted in him having an unnatural fate. Will more then likely picked up on both this fact and the scent of the grey fog hence his willingness to work with Klein.

诡秘外国网友评论节选意译 - 【904-909】

I cant wait to see the Nighthawk investigation lul. Leonard and Daley gonna have their minds working a thousand miles per hout
They probably won’t find anything. Klein still has his anti divination paper angel loaded up in Creeping Hunger. I’m not sure whether or not it will work on both him and the marionette together but if it won’t Klein is easily cautious enough to bring the marionette above the Gray Fog until he can use another paper angel. Rose School of Thought is very scary.