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诡秘外国网友评论节选意译 - 【839-843】【含部分本章说】(12)

2023-10-28 来源:百合文库
Hopefully Klein doesn’t lose Creeping Hunger! It’s currently the backbone of his combat strength. Death Knell is really good for finishing blows or assassination but it’s not enough for an extended fight. Maybe it can be replaced with Marionettes in the future but he currently doesn’t have any!
Speaking of combat strength I’ve been wondering if demigods without body enhancing Sequences will still die easily? Like if an Unshadowed or a Nightwalker or an Alchemist or a Mysticologist or a Cataclysmic Interrer or a Manipulator or a Prophet got shot in the head would they instantly die? Some Pathways (like Demoness we just saw with the mirrors) have clever ways of avoiding death besides raw defense but many seem not to. It can’t actually be that simple though right?

诡秘外国网友评论节选意译 - 【839-843】【含部分本章说】

I think it was mentioned early on in the book that all pathways got at least a minor buffs to physical strength and constitution. Dont quote me on that though. 