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诡秘外国网友评论节选意译 - 【832-839】(18)

2023-10-28 来源:百合文库
A sequence 5 challenging a demigod head on? Seems similar to a Thunder God’s ritual to become a tyrant by challenging a deity.
Hmmm true, but wouldn't it be too early for Klein to try an advancement ritual? He hasn't completely digested the current potion and hasn't consumed the next potion yet for there even being a need for an advancement ritual. Tho maybe the author has a surprise for us waiting.

诡秘外国网友评论节选意译 - 【832-839】

Hm, seems likely considering Cuttlefishs' thought process, since the advancements up until now were a bit monotone he might be gunning for something with a little more..Bang this time around!
F***!!! There are two Zaratul's?! Or, if this is the remnants of the original Zaratul, does this mean the other one is a fake?! There's a imposter angel running around?! The idea of an freaking angel going so far as to act as an imposter is really something, though...