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诡秘外国网友评论节选意译 - 【812-816】(7)

2023-10-28 来源:百合文库
The remaining items will obviously go to Gherman. The other Characteristic (Planter Sequence 4?) will belong to him and he will be appropriately rewarded by The Fool for obtaining a Card of Blasphemy (Haha). Overall less than his contribution but because he obtains a Card of Blasphemy as The Fool he won’t mind. He can also sell the future formulas to Alger later on. He also has the tangible characteristics from Sequence 4 (?) and Sequence 5 Mentor of Confusion so he obtained a large amount of fairly immediate profit too. Hopefully he can increase or ensure Alger’s loyalty to the Fool as well. He will be very satisfied.

诡秘外国网友评论节选意译 - 【812-816】

Overall Split for Gherman:
Card of Blasphemy
Sequence 4 (?) Planter Pathway (?) Characteristic
Sequence 5 Mentor of Confusion Characteristic
Gargoyle Core (or split or core and eyeball)
Overall Split for Alger:
Sequence 4 Cataclysmic Interrer Formula
Sequence 4 (?) Cataclysmic Interrer (?) Characteristic
Gargoyle Eyeball (or split of core and eyeball)
Illusory Chime Fruit
This is pure speculation I have no idea how it will really be split.

诡秘外国网友评论节选意译 - 【812-816】
