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诡秘外国网友评论节选意译 - 【812-816】(5)

2023-10-28 来源:百合文库
6 Winged Gargoyle Eyeball (Unknown - Mid Sequence Ingredient?)
6 Winged Gargoyle Core (Sequence 5 Ingredient)
Blood Vessel Pus Soil Characteristic (Sequence 4 Characteristic? - Planter Pathway?)
Storm Jellyfish Characteristic (Sequence 4 Characteristic? - Cataclysmic Interrer?)
Tyrant Card (Card of Blasphemy)
(Sequence 0-4 Formulas of Tyrant Pathway)
To start it was previously agreed that item monsters slain solo will belong to the slayer. The illusory chime fruit was completely soloed by Alger and the Curly Haired Baboon was completely soloed by Gherman. Those will be split accordingly.

诡秘外国网友评论节选意译 - 【812-816】

The Six Winged Gargoyle was essentially a team effort with both contributing around the same. If the Eyeball is the same level as the core I assume they will be split equally. If not they will probably equally split the sale of the items.
The difficult part, the Card of Blasphemy and the two demigod characteristics. Alger did almost nothing in the battle BUT he did manage to hold off the gargoyle long enough for Gherman to get off his initial attack. It’s also worth mentioning the island coordinates came from him initially. Overall a very minor contribution though.